Wawesomefont Awesome Icons For Weebly

– The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Line Awesome, nor vice versa. – Brand icons should only be used to represent the company or product to which they refer. Responsive bootstrap 4 admin template. New settings There are new settings available.

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  • Change font awesome icons color font style or size with example. By using style properties we can change the style or color or size of font awesome icons easily.

Basic Icons

To use the Font Awesome icons, add the following line inside the <head> section of your HTML page:

<link href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css'>

Note: No downloading or installation is required!

You place Font Awesome icons by using the prefix fa and the icon's name.


The following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css'>

Results in:

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Font Awesome is designed to be used with inline elements. The <i> and <span> elements are widely used for icons.

Also note that if you change the font-size or color of the icon's container, the icon changes. Same things goes for shadow, and anything else that gets inherited using CSS.

The fa-lg (33% increase), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, or fa-5x classes are used to increase the icon sizes relative to their container.



The following code:


Results in:

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Tip: If your icons are getting chopped off on top and bottom, increase the line-height.

The fa-ul and fa-li classes are used to replace default bullets in unordered lists.


The following code:

<li><i></i>List icons</li>
<li><i></i>List icons</li>
<li><i></i>List icons</li>

Results in:

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The fa-border, fa-pull-right or fa-pull-left classes are used for for pull quotes or article icons.


The following code:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Results in:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
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The fa-spin class gets any icon to rotate, and the fa-pulse class gets any icon to rotate with 8 steps.


The following code:


Results in:

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Note: IE8 and IE9 do not support CSS3 animations.

The fa-rotate-* and fa-flip-* classes are used to rotate and flip icons.


The following code:


Results in:

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To stack multiple icons, use the fa-stack class on the parent, the fa-stack-1x class for the regularly sized icon, and fa-stack-2x for the larger icon.

The fa-inverse class can be used as an alternative icon color. You can also add larger icon classes to the parent to further control the sizing.


The following code:

fa-twitter on fa-circle-thin<br>
fa-twitter (inverse) on fa-circle<br>
fa-ban on fa-camera

Results in:

fa-twitter on fa-circle-thin
fa-twitter (inverse) on fa-circle
fa-ban on fa-camera
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The fa-fw class is used to set icons at a fixed width. This class is useful when different icon widths throw off alignment. Especially useful in Bootstrap's navlists and list groups.


<a href='#'><i></i> Home</a>
<a href='#'><i></i> Library</a>
<a href='#'><i></i> Applications</a>
<a href='#'><i></i> Settings</a>
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Font Awesome also works great with all the Bootstrap components.

Icon fonts are an integral part of modern web design. They add value to web design by making your content visually more aesthetic and compelling. While there is a wide range of web icon fonts to choose from, font awesome is more popular these days.

Font awesome offers five different types of icon fonts such as Solid, Regular, Light, Duotone and Brands. Some of these icon font types (Light, Duotone) look beautiful but they are only available to the Pro users.

However, if you’re looking for a leaner version of these standard icon fonts, you’re in luck! Recently, Icon8 launched its own version of Font Awesome which offers leaner icon fonts. They call it “Line Awesome”.

Line Awesome is essentially an open-source alternative to Font Awesome which includes more than 1380 modern line icons that let you choose your icons, copy and paste the code wherever you need it.

Why Use Line Awesome Font Icons?

Line Awesome font icons offer some compelling benefits over Font Awesome font icons:

Great Design: While Font Awesome icons are composed of solid fill, Line Awesome icons offer clear lines with fine details, making them look modern and sophisticated. Moreover, Line Awesome icons are made of vectors, meaning they can respond to CSS styling such as icon size and colors which can further enhance your design.

Better Accessibility: One of the great features of Line Awesome is that it doesn’t require multiple images to achieve interactive effects. What’s more, these icons are designed to be read by screen readers better, which makes them fully accessible as mandated by W3C guidelines.

Wider Browser Support: Line Awesome also has great web browser support. These font icons are supported by Internet Explorer 4 and above, meaning a wider reach for your font and little compatibility issues.

Easy to Use: Line Awesome is designed for ease of use. To get started, all you need to do is add a few lines of code and you’re ready to go!

Wawesomefont Awesome Icons For Weebly Kids

Fast Loading Speed: If you’re looking for font icons that load faster, you can’t go wrong with Line Awesome. By minimizing the file size on the Web, these font icons offer a better loading speed than Font Awesome.

Wawesomefont awesome icons for weebly website

Pixel Perfect: One of the reasons why I personally like Line Awesome font icons is the way they use the screen real estate. Line Awesome icons use every single pixel on your screen, offering a clean design that is just pixel-perfect! Moreover, Line Awesome icons are sharper which look much better than the solid-filled Font Awesome icons. What’s more, you can resize these icons without losing their elegance. Unlike Font Awesome icons that crumble on grids beyond 14×14 px grid, Line Awesome icons can be used in a 32x32px grid. Bye, Bye Muddled Look!

Wawesomefont Awesome Icons For Weebly Free

Easy Flexibility: Switching between web font icons can be a pain in the neck (quite literally) for developers. If you’re already using Font Awesome icons pack, Line Awesome helps you shift without breaking a sweat!

How to Use Line Awesome in Genesis Themes

There are several ways to add Line Awesome to your Genesis Themes. However, I personally prefer enqueuing scripts via the functions file. Before you get started, make sure you have the back-up ready. Also, don’t forget to use FTP to make these changes.

Step #1: Enqueue Line Awesome Scripts in Genesis

Open your functions.php file and add the following line of code under the “Enqueue Scripts and Styles”. You might want to disable any Font Awesome plugin or comment out Font Awesome script in your functions file as well. Otherwise, they will clash and your Line Awesome icons won’t render correctly.

Wawesomefont Awesome Icons For Weebly

Step #2: Insert the Code

Wawesomefont Awesome Icons For Weebly Website

Once you have enqueued the script in the functions file, you’re ready to go. Simply insert the HTML code with the class name as shown below.

Change the class name as per your icon preferences.

Likewise, you can increase the size of the icons as shown in the code above.

Hope this helps. Please, let me know if you have any questions.