Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services

Vocational Guidance Services (VGS) changes lives and strengthens communities with services that enhance personal abilities, break down barriers to employment, and help individuals realize their. It is a specialized service involving the collection of data on pupil’s abilities, interests, aptitudes, scholastic achievements, personality traits, family background etc. This information will help the career master or guidance worker to understand each pupil and to provide them suitable educational and vocational guidance. Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) programs and services information.

In the framework of the new policy in relation to Lifelong Learning, and within the National Network of Lifelong Learning, E.O.P.P.E.P. is one of the administrative bodies for lifelong learning regarding its responsibilities linked to counselling and career guidance. Counselling and/or Career Guidance providers are also part of the National Network of Lifelong Learning as the relevant bodies providing lifelong learning services.

At national level, E.O.P.P.E.P. is responsible for:

  • providing scientific and technical support to the relevant stakeholders in the Ministries of Education and Employment in designing and implementing a National Policy on Guidance and Counselling,
  • the development of communication and coordination of actions taken by private and public counselling and guidance service providers, aiming at the improvement of existing services,
  • the education, initial and continuous training of counselling and guidance practitioners, in collaboration with/or supplementing those provided by current training services in the relevant Ministries of Employment and Education,
  • defining the conditions and rules under which guidance and counselling services should operate, the relevance and adequacy of counselling and guidance practitioners’ qualifications and keeping the relevant registers,
  • designing and implementing actions of counselling and guidance supporting the work of counsellors and of lifelong support of citizens for development and career management,
  • participating in the formulation of standards, rules and procedures for quality assurance consulting services and guidance under the National Quality Framework for lifelong learning.
  • -the National Euroguidance Centre, member of the Euroguidance network, with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme,
  • - the national body representing Greece in the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network – ELGPN, established by the European Commission in 2007.
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Target Groups benefiting from E.O.P.P.E.P.‘s work:

- counselling and vocational guidance practitioners, career development practitioners in education, training and employment in public and private sectors,

- public and private stakeholders providing counselling and vocational guidance services in the areas of education, training and employment,

- interested citizens (school and university students, parents, the unemployed, professionals etc that seek information about counselling and vocational guidance services and learning, employment and mobility opportunities,


- all members of the Greek society as potential beneficiaries of quality counselling and vocational guidance services at regional and national level.

Contact EOPPEP Career Guidance Directorate:

National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (ΕOPPEP)

Career Guidance Directorate - Euroguidance Centre of Greece
41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Avenue, Νea Ionia, 14234, Athens Greece

Tel. 0030 210 2709175 – 210 2709183 e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read this article to learn about the introduction, committees and scope of guidance services in schools.

Introduction to Guidance Services in Schools :

It has been aptly remarked that guidance is accepted as an integral part of education. Whatever may be the objectives of school education, students need the assistance of teachers and others connected with them to be able to make satisfactory progress. No student has ever been able to manifest and maximize his potentialities on large extent, make appropriate career plans, get a suitable occupation and make satisfactory adjustment in the society without assistance of guidance programme organised in school.

It constitutes parents, teachers, community members, administrators, guidance workers, specialists etc. The cause is, in the modern complex society it has become a difficult task on part of home and community to provide appropriate and adequate guidance to students as per their needs and requirements. Hence, the school has a vital role to play in guiding the students.


The school as the most important agency provides guidance in:

(i) Manifesting and maximizing the potentialities of every pupil.

(ii) Assessing the pupil’s, needs, interests, abilities, capacities, in doing any work of his suitability.

(iii) Making appropriate plan for his/her future.

(iv) Taking right and appropriate decision in right time.

(v) Taking proper decision regarding selection of a suitable educational career.

(vi) Finding a suitable vocation.

(vii) Making satisfactory adjustments in home, school and the community in a desirable manner.


(viii) Achieving self-realization, self-direction and self- development.

In the light of above discussion it has been felt that there is need of organizing guidance programmes in schools and the guidance programmes should be organised in nature. Here an organised programme means, every guidance programme is to be organised in a systematic way. It means it must have definite objectives. There should be a guidance committee in every school. The teacher in-charge of guidance service must be clear in his mind about the scope and limitations of such a programme. He must be able to organize minimum guidance services for students.

The organisation of guidance services is not be the major responsibility of anyone person. Rather it is the joint responsibility of the headmaster, the counsellor, the career master, teachers, administrators, specialists and community members. They have to play important roles for making any guidance programme in the school a grand success.

It is essential to mention here that although there is the need of organizing guidance programme in primary schools but it’s organisation on wider extent and full-fledged manner lies in secondary schools. So in our saying and writing the organisation of guidance programmes in schools means in secondary schools and vice-versa.

The School Guidance Committee:

Saying anything and doing accordingly is a matter of difference as there lies difference between hail and heaven. For achieving the goals of every programme in any field or area, there should be a systematic, deliberate and consistent effort behind it. Otherwise the goals of the programme will be lopsided. In order to avoid this and not to provide any chance in bringing difference between hail and heaven in the field of guidance programme there should be the necessity of a guidance committee.

In other words, it can be visualized that in order to organize guidance services or programmes properly and systematically for achieving its goals there should be a guidance committee with the following personnel. A detail discussion on it is given below. Different types of guidance committees may be necessary for different institutions as no single pattern or structure can fulfill the needs and requirements of all schools; large and small, rural and urban, boys and girls and government and non-government etc.

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However, for a secondary school, there must be a guidance committee for organizing and monitoring its guidance programme properly, although this committee may vary according to the availability of human and material resources. Hence, let us know the composition of the guidance committee or school guidance committee.

1. The Principal or Headmaster:


The principal or headmaster of the school should be the chairman or chairperson of the school guidance committee.

2. Counselor or Career Master or guidance teacher:

The school counselor or career master or guidance teacher acts as the secretary cum-governor of the school guidance committee. A full time counselor may be appointed if possible. In his absence, a teacher trained in guidance has to do the job of the career master. Even if a school possesses a full time counselor, it may also have a trained teacher in the staff to give necessary assistance to the counselor.

3. Staff representative (One-Member):

The senior teacher of the school acts as an ex-officio member of the guidance committee.

4. The School Medical Officer:

The medical officer of the school acts as a member of the school guidance committee.

5. Chairman or Secretary of the Managing Committee: Member.

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6. The Physical Education Teacher (P.E.T.): Member.

7. A Few experts in different fields available in the community.

Scope of School Guidance Service:

The scope of school guidance service encompasses its objectives, facilities and opportunities provided to students and the extent of activities as far as a school can organize. The scope or subject matter of guidance services or programmes in any educational institution or school depends upon proper utilization of its resources—physical, financial and human resources.

For proper organisation of guidance services in schools the scope of school guidance programme constitutes the following things:

1. Collection of information about the students for pupil inventory service.

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2. Establishing a guidance centre or guidance point.

3. Organisation of career talk, career conference, visits to colleges, universities etc.

4. Organisation of guidance exhibition.

5. Propagation of educational and occupational information.

6. Maintenance of cumulative record card (C.R.C) for each pupil.

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7. Organisation of orientation talk for newcomers.


8. Providing counseling to pupils relating to their adjustment problems.


9. Organisation of educational talks regarding different educational careers.

10. Keeping relation with other agencies such as employment exchange, training institutes and institute of higher education.

11. Keeping contacts with school leavers to determine or know the effectiveness, of guidance and counseling.

12. Organisation of short-session guidance programme for school leavers in college education, occupational life and social life.

Besides the above things, minimum programmes of guidance in school constituting three major aspects are also included in its scope.

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These are as under:

1. Data Collection Service:

It is a specialized service involving the collection of data on pupil’s abilities, interests, aptitudes, scholastic achievements, personality traits, family background etc. This information will help the career master or guidance worker to understand each pupil and to provide them suitable educational and vocational guidance.

The above data can be collected through achievement tests, personality tests, intelligence tests, diagnostic tests, interest inventories, observations, interviews, questionnaire, clinical studies, rating scale etc. For better presentation and accurate guidance, the information so collected should be maintained in the cumulative record cards.

2. Occupational Information Service:

The function of this service is to avail information regarding various training and educational courses for the job market. Such information can be collected from offices or institutions like colleges, employment exchanges, the state bureau of guidance, recruiting offices of armed forces or publications like employment news, information bulletins, employment bulletins etc. Besides information about jobs and training facilities available in the country and abroad may be provided to the pupils through talks, career conferences, demonstrations, pamphlets, notices etc.

3. Counselling:


Counselling is intended to provide personal or individual guidance to students through interviews or other ways of personal contacts. The educational or scholastic, vocational and personal problems as well as problems of adjustment are dealt in the counseling sessions. For doing this work properly, the counselor has to first establish relationship or rapport with the pupils in a friendly, cordial and co-operative atmosphere.

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